Songs from the past

In this night with a glass of vodka and orange juice with solitary spider game and duran duran music and old memory to my mind came. The year 2002, the year dell mania was in its maximum expression and I was just ascended to mentor of half of the floor just for been the world wide “costumer experience champion” for 3rd month in a row. In the afternoon, we were just the same people in the car heading to the university, alexito and me, just talking crap and enjoying the long 5 kilometers straight street from Dell floor to the entrance of clayton base. After a while fighting with the radio. We end up in radio 10 as always, with music of the 80’s, the group playing, duran duran.

I remember unconsciously tell to alexito “ah the always reliable music of the 80’s” and he agree with me thinking well is true. The fact was that we always try to play music of the radio to know what was going on in the city and for some reason we always end up listening music 80’s music in or road to the university followed by the golden/red sun of a late afternoon in Panama.

The funny thing is that there isn’t better explanation to my present status than what “ordinary world” says…

Came in from a rainy Thursday
On the avenue
Thought I heard you talking softly

I turned on the lights, the TV
And the radio
Still I can't escape the ghost of you

What has happened to it all?
Crazy, some are saying
Where is the life that I recognize?
Gone away

But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive

Passion or coincidence
Once prompted you to say
"Pride will tear us both apart"
Well now pride's gone out the window
Cross the rooftops
Run away
Left me in the vacuum of my heart

What is happening to me?
Crazy, some'd say
Where is my friend when I need you most?
Gone away

But I won't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive

Papers in the roadside
Tell of suffering and greed
Here today, forgot tomorrow
Ooh, here besides the news
Of holy war and holy need
Ours is just a little sorrowed talk

And I don't cry for yesterday
There's an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world
I will learn to survive

Every one
Is my world, I will learn to survive
Any one
Is my world, I will learn to survive
Any one
Is my world
Every one
Is my world

Ja ne!


Unknown ha dicho que…
i wish you good luck finding your ordinary world.. i bet it will be far from ordinary :)
and remember something on the way: der weg ist das ziel!
M.K. ha dicho que…
Hola ak, gracias por leer mi blog y por tus palabras. Es cierto mi mundo sería más que ordinario. Pero lo que no es ordinario para unos, es normal para otros dependiendo del punto de vista. Por otro lado suena muy lindo el dicho “der weg ist das ziel” pero para mi persona implica limitarse a disfrutar el presente y se pierde la percepción del futuro. Es una vida más aventurera y posiblemente más divertida, pero hay quienes como yo, que persiguen los sueños imposibles; vivimos para realizar sueños o morir intentándolo. Por esto no puedo tomar tu comentario en forma literal, pero si usarlo para recordar que hay que disfrutar el presente y tenerlo presente, como dice la canción yatta “ I’m lucky you were here just for a while”. Agradeciendo y aprendiendo de lo que una vez tuvimos o tenemos en el momento y disfrutando en pro a un día más de vida.
Gracias una vez más por tus palabras.
Unknown ha dicho que…
Your words have a certain detachedness that to me feels up to disrespectful. Ademas, realizar un suenos imposibles suena imposible, like you already know that you are going to die trying. Well, maybe that was just an uncareful choice of words from your side.
Hope you dont misunderstand me...
M.K. ha dicho que…
realizar sueños imposibles es solo una etiqueta para buscar algo mayor, para mantenerse siempre en movimiento lo cual para mi es muy importante. has escuchado del experimento de la relación posición tiempo al lanzar una flecha? un fisico cuyo nombre no recuerdo explico que al lanzar una flecha esta no se mueve ya que en cada instante de tiempo la flecha se encuentra suspendida en un espacio en un tiempo determinado. es decir que si tira una flecha con tra un blanco, y esta toma 10 segundos en llegar a su objetivo. Al dividir el tiempo la flecha esta suspendida en un espacio diferente en un tiempo diferente. Asi veo tu explicación de "der weg ist das ziel". no esta para nada mal tu dicho y es muy bonito y tienes razon debo enfocarme mas en esos instantes de tiempo, disfrutarlos. Pero es como te digo y como habras visto en mi blog. yo busco siempre algo mas alto. Creo que ya lo habias entendido ya que sabes bien que es mi motivo para estar aqui. el mundo esta lleno de formas dde pensar eso es la naturaleza de los seres vivos individuales, no solo los humanos. Y es por eso que es tan interesante seguir vivo y viendo todos esos puntos de vista. a lo mejor pienses algo diferente de mi al ver eso y bueno solo te puedo decir que eso diferente que puedas encontrar solo es una perspectiva diferente de las infinitas que hay al ver a personas desde diferentes puntos de vista. gracias por tomarte el tiempo de tratar de entender mis palabras. Disculpa si mis palabras sonaron muy distantes o mi forma de responder es algo fria y desapegada. Este es un blog publico y no es correcto que te responda como lo haria en persona o por email aunque seas una persona tan importante para mi. Nunca fue mi intención irrespetarte con mi distancia. Espero que veas que a pesar de que trato de expresar mis sentimientos, al usar palabras el lado racional es el que moldea mis expresiones.
sorry si te ofendí preciosa de ojos verdes...
Unknown ha dicho que…
it is correct that you write very different in this blog than in your emails. why? some things are not only different, but even contradictory. again, i cannot help but feel disrespected. sorry...
M.K. ha dicho que…
I told you why, in this blog I try to be logical and separate the vision of the feelings and put it in parallel while I write. this is a general publig blog I said everyone have to be treated in the same way. I know but when I answer I try to keep this as an distant person. not to offend but to keep it distant. Is not my intention to disrespect you at all. my words doesn't go directed to the people in order to wait for a direct answer. this blog is my little universe were simply everyone beside me are shadows who dance with me with time to time. That is why I don't share it, that's why here I'm just M.K.
This is just like if you were writing a diary and I take it and start to question you or make comments about and take it personal.
try to see from the distance the feeling and the way of thinking of the person who is writing even if you have feelings for it and knowing that this person have feelings for you too.
words are words, an incomplete expression of a greatest feeling a greatest thought.
once again beautiful green eyes, sorry and hundred more...
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