lost in translation

not making reference to a movie. I think sometimes that when i see me in this school i'm some kind of alien bug who actually can't communicate. For that reason i think that i found a good point to learn german. Because is one of the few languages who can actually make an interpretation of something that not even the spanish, who have 4 times more words, can express. I feel sorry for cohelo and neruda by trying to express their love and feelings by words that can reach the brokest and darkest of the hearts. But if they were born in this new country the story would be so different that makes me feel jealous just to think about it. In the other hand, Makes me think in people like Freud or Max. that were philosophers but at the end i think that were just thinking people that had the luck to live in a country which language can express situations that other can't. So maybe I admire their concepts yet but I just lost the respect for them.
However, i can't deny that i would like to be like them and understand so clear this language in order to express what i really want to that special woman that i want to abduct of this world and put in a world where no matter how difficult the things around there can be, the sanctuary where i place her is so safe that wouldn't touch the bright of her beautiful eyes.
All this makes me feels afraid of the next days when I have to have a definitive conversation with this person... I know so much that no matter how elaborate my linguistic dance would be I might end up hurting her with many of my words. And the worst thing is that she is not anymore that person I first met and that bright power that use to surround her is not there anymore... mann i'm in a huge dilema now but for the wellness of both i take a sword that was born of the love for her, tonight and cut my veins and bleed the poison my rationalism and reborn like the son after a horrible night.
Natalie, this one goes for you.



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