the truth behind the suicide experiments...

Recalling a conversation i had to start again think again about my actions and the fact of killing my self... the first question that sounds in my head is “if you tried it so many times why you are still here?” accompanied with the question... “how you could do it?”... should i was looking for death? I found out that no, so why so many times? There are so many explanations that makes me face how unreliable and weak i have been all this time...

The first times i tried it was because to feel closer to what i lost... looking for ways to pay with pain my sins of continue living... During that time i found out something important in the process... after loosing so much blood in such a systematic and slow process as my life was going out of my vains with my hope and soul, also my thoughts were vanishing too. For the first time that never stopping voice in my head got silence and for a short moment before faint i feel real peace... a peace i as able to recall in the arms of my last love i already lost...

But not everything ends up there... also, there were some moments when i feel that my soul abandoned and while i was physically dying i was able to see the difference... sounds masochist and sick but been alone makes you do stupid stuffs..

at the end of that i found out that death is by my side always... as adrian said when we met, i have mark of thanatos in my head. However i never look for death for real, is not in my nature, or for sure i would be food of worms already.

Now i can see how sick have been all this years trying all kind of sick methods to realize my own existence... and at end i found out “late” as she said... that the answer was in love... “all we need is love?” i don't know, i know nothing anymore...


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