Pre valentines kumpir chat

Yesterday, again, i decided to go out to dinner with the people of the school. Basically because they were going to eat kumpirs and those weird stuffs rules. In one of those “kumpirs chat” the argentinan girl was, still a bit nostalgic due a song someone dedicated to her. Her comment? The song was pretty depressive, was kind of funny because I hear the song and actually was a regular love song from a guy who said that her lover that he always will be there when she need a help... this cliché is something I dont want to discuss now on so i'll pass it by.

The fact is that due her attitude she only justified herself as a “hopelessly romantic”. If i get a coin for every time I hear that, bill gates would be a detail beside me. In my mind i said “does people understand what actually means the fact to add the word hopelessly to romantic?”. Indeed the problem is in the bad use of the word romantic.

Without trying to fall in the dictionary definition a romantic is someone more than what they were trying to define in that table. Is not someone created by the media with hearts and “pink” stuffs all around thinking in “pregnant birds”. So I decided to keep silence and hear all the point of view of the people in the table due was interesting that in the table was people of every single continent talking about the same crap. So 5 continent and the same idea means that the media have made a good job in suggesting people. Pablo Neruda and their friends could rest in peace now haha.

Talking all the points I could make a differentiation between kind of romantics that goes basically like this:

  1. Romantic hallmark edition: this one is the typical person who is thinking in “pregnant birds” and looks everything “pink”. The person who MUST express his love using stereotypical stuffs like dedicating songs, giving gifts and writing poems, songs etc. this kind of people have a really interesting modus operandis. Because they usually acts like that in the “hunting phase” of he relationship. Of course, are some that last a bit longer and even some months after acquiring their objectives.

  2. The romantic wannabe: this one is the one is pretty similar to the hallmark edition with the only difference that acts like that just because thats he way they learn how to deal with that person they want to be.

  3. The romantic vampire edition: that is the typical person who “die of love” once they people they infatuate with goes away. His regular comment is “if i'm not with you I can't live”. Usually is not like that due the fact that time later they end up getting other victim.

  4. The romantic platonic edition: this one is the one who is living in the stars and thinking in the immortality of the crab. A person who usually a person who falls for everything that the media present as ideal, movie stars, musicians, people in uniforms. They dream usually ends once they have sex with one of them.

  5. The romantic asshole edition: those who are really affective at the beginning and at the end hurts the people they “love” with the excuse of, I do it that because I love you. The couple of this people doesn't realize that they are treated as pets due their LOW self steam.

  6. The hopelessly romantic: this one is the one that have a bit of all above. But is the most coward of all. This is the typical person who could live of love but don't lay a finger in pro of it with the idea of “not been selfish”. People with intense feelings but not strong enough to overcome their fears and move on to reach what they want, most of the time due they think that they only have to move some part of the road and the other person should complement like in a eternal dance of oil and water. A person who always wait for a dream fairy or a knight in shiny armor to rescue them, but afraid to look around to see if is there. Is like in those motivational camps were people have to jump back and hope that the team catch her to develop trust. The same shit happens with them, the only thing is that they just make a old fashion playlist in their ipods and let themselves falls and enjoy the fall lost in their thoughts waiting, like a maiden in a tower protected by a dragon. In essence, this are the most passionate but the one who, do less or even nothing for what they want. Or in the worst case scenario do something REALLY stupid like Paris who took Helena and for that fucked up 2 countries because at the end he didn't have the balls to actually defend what he did, or in the case of this guy romeo and juliet that end up killing themselves by a “misunderstanding”.

In fact the true romantic should be something that have a bit of all the other mentioned but with a desertion power that let him be enough for that person who love. Someone who can always be there and in case not, be able to support from the distance. The fact is that a true romantic doesn't have to be one because feels attraction for someone else but have passion for what he likes or what he do. Is for this, that a romantic is really defined as someone that feels passion for what he do or what he dream and treasure in a way that become a true treasure for him. Also this person have the power to live on without regrets if the situation is not favorable because he always did his best in pro of the situation.

In my opinion the true romantic is the real knight in shiny armor that can be found in medieval stories. However, that is a “too high” concept for this time, an era were love is confused with conformity or lust and concepts as pride, honor, loyalty and fraternity have been long gone... maybe for good...


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