One regular morning more...

This is one of those morning i wake up and i don't have idea where i am and why. Covered by a soft blanket below another red blanket i just can focus my senses in the pain that i feel in my throat who says “dude you are not recovered of your flu yet if you slip i'll fuck you like a raper is fucked in a panamaniam jail”. After that and concentrate in avoid the pain i made the typical evaluation of my entire body and i saw that as i predicted the pain in my stomach would disappear today... is so curious how well i know how my body works in this situations. Yes i know how human body works and everything. However my works a bit difference. To explain it in simple words my body always takes a bit longer to recover if the damage is in one of he internal organs. Taking the example of my stomach... and making a simple explanation of what is a gastritis, a gastritis is just irritation in the core of the stomach caused by the acid of the same stomach that burn for some reason, the protective cover of the stomach, therefore, the stomach is one of those organs that can renew itself in a period of time. That period of time is 4 days... yup, the stomach protective cover is completely new every 4 days. Whoever as i said mine is not precisely a human stomach and the evaluation i made almost 20 years ago....19 to be exact, is that my stomach takes 2 days more than a regular stomach to recover... maybe due my dirty/lack of oxygen blood or simply cuz i'm some kind of alien. With a bit of satisfaction for my accurate prognostic and a bit disappointed due the fact that my body is in essence still weak. I decided to take a short shower and in the meantime to plan ow ill survive the rest of the day. Thinking a light about myself i realized that tomorrow is my last day of classes for this year and that from now on i'll have 2 of the suckiest weeks i'll ever have. Although i leave the country in one and in the other i just “evolve in tourist mode” and hang around this cold country trying to learn why is so interesting for tourists.

Also, i was thinking that today i should to do the classic stuff i always do with my computer during this boring periods. I should just take my computer and upgrade to fedora 10 but as i always do, erasing everything and starting from 0. But, there is a big predicament and is the fact that i need internet and the stick needs internet to be installed (what a fricking irony) so i should do it that from the school but now that i'm in the train i just found out that i have no dvds and this weird country have a different way to think about stores so i have no idea where to buy one simple dvd now.

So with the background music of the song i dedicated to my one and only pain... i'm just now in this comfortable train wondering how the day will be... the truth is that i have no idea and now i can just think that after the classes i'll have to go back to that borrowed apartment that is sucking little by little my willing to progress in this lost word...

traveling in this train i can only watch the dry trees and makes me wonder if they doesnt feel alone just one beside other without been able to touch themselves under the cold mantle of the winter. And makes me think that i'm just one of those trees in the forest now, there alone surrounding by other trees with the impossibility to touch them. Admiring a lonely and nostalgic panorama waiting for a never coming spring..

maybe when i'll die (if that happens some day) and the reincarnation exist i would have the lucky of reincarnate in a lonely tree on the foot of a forgotten mountain...

the true loneliness is kinder than the partial loneliness maybe because is like having just one fateful girlfriend... she will always be there to embrace me wit h their tender love...


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