Never say never or never joke with what might become true...

In one little world forgotten by the gods, an hopeless guy use to live. Having what the colleagues, catalogs as an almost perfect life this guy wandered during the days without a proper reason to live.

Always wondering why he have to accomplish an old promise that he was unable to understand the reason why he was forced to make it, this little guy was expecting for a never coming dead to pick him up in silence without anything notice that.

The guy was almost perfect, people said, “he is successful”, “everything he touch becomes gold”, “ he is always happy and never stress for anything” without noticing that it was just a mask in order to avoid the contact with superficial people who would like to ask “how are you?” just for the mere auto idea of thinking that they are good and they do something good for the other if they show some kind of empathy with their situation even if they don really care. But, deep inside of his room this kid just use to get into his bed and think about how is life and when does the death with show some mercy and lull him in her arms. However this guy had the habit of answer everyone who want to contact him, just for the mere pleasure of study the people and try to at least be usefull and forget about himself for a while.

One morning, he received one of those usual messages he use to receive and that doesnt have replay after 4 or 5 question, without knowing that answer that message will lead you to one of those wonderful angels that are lost in this world and who forgot to be angel cuz their wings dyed with the dirtiness of the overwhelming rotten world that surround them.

The conversations started in an Innocent way. As usual, this guy offered his disinterested help to this up to the moment not known person. Thinking that will usually everything will end up in words. But a twist of the life made everything become more complex an this angel start to develop feelings for that guy. Of course that situation what something that also start to grow in this guy who swear not having more interest in real interaction until he get able to disappear.

With the time this angel unconsciously gave 2 discrete presents to the guy who were growing inside of him in an uncontrollable measure. This presents were so complicated to understand for this guy who was completely rational that made him fall in their knees and change the perspective of the, up to that moment, he think that world use to be.

This present were the happiness and love but they grew too much that started to affect the logic and paradigms this guy forged in his mind in order to protect himself of the world he was living in. However, the logic of this guy was based in statistics and one day talking with the angel his rational mind said for him. “I'll be here for you until you get tired of it” comment that received a reply from this angel saying “ how you can think about that? I would never get tired of you!....” and she continue talking so many stuffs this guy that he didnt have more option to make his mind and try to believe that.

During all those year the angel and the guy been in contact she become more white an pure as long as the love and happiness she gave to this guy was growing to.

Unfortunately, one day this angel decided to disappear. Without clear comments and a vague excuse. She just when out of the reach of this guy leaving it in a world without hope and dreams. But with 2 presents that were still growing and like the teeth grows in the mouth of the kid, becoming painful as long as they were getting bigger.

Alone in the dark lake of sorrow, this guy decided to endured always hoping for the return of the angel. A return that can means a total good bye of a hopeful comeback. The hours became days, and the days became months and the guy was still waiting for this angel to come back. Surrounded by temptations and other perspectives of the life. The guy was just living with the minimum contact with everything in order to continue loyal to the promise of that angel. However, this attitude and events that were happening arround him make of the guy someone rust like and old toy covered by the snow after been thrown in the garbage in the middle of the winter.

To survive he decided to cut the light that was making grow the presents gave by the angel. But that made of him a person so unreliable and ruthless that got into the point of hating himself. Fortunately, the guy was able to canalize that way without affecting just the necessary people.

By the pass of the days a miracle happened, the angel decided to come back and extend his benevolent hands over the guy, without knowing that singificative part of this guy died in the wait. Although, the guy was so happy that he didnt want to pay attention and try to compose himself and accomplish the plans he originally had to be part of the life of the angel. But, his happiness blind him and he was unable to comprehend that the angel standing in front of him was not that white angel he met once. The angel was essentially the same but her wings were dyed now from a gray/silver color that was still able to transform that time she disappeared into a just merge bad dream.

After many inconvenient evens the guy was able to get in contact to the angel hoping that is just the end of a previous bad story and the beginning of a better life. But another twist in his life was wating for him. The person he became was nothing related with the person the angel met in the first time, and the new perspective of this silver wings angel or the curse made by the guy regarding “until you get tired of me” make echo in the now silver wing angel and made her realize that the person standing in front of here is not anymore the one she was idealizing. And with the other events of her life she decided that there are more important things that she have to focus on than to look in their dreams for a person who maybe doesn't belongs anymore to this world... But the angel in her kindness didn't turn away completely the guy. In her benevolence she decided to just put it aside let him...

At the end the angel left and is there in a gray sky looking for her own light while the guy is just there in the small sanctuary she borrow him to let him grow. Now the guy is just there wondering what will the tomorrow bring and wondering if that is now important. Just thinking and trying to regret about his own words and wishing for the wellness of the angel he once met, while he lay in a stranger bed, inside a stranger apparent in a stranger country.... the only comfortable for him are the memories that place gave him that inflict more nostalgic than pain, a feeling who was always with him during his own life and that substituted the ones gave by the angel in first instance.

Was this guy born with a destiny with nothing else less than loose?

I dont think so, what he suffer as everyone is just the result of the compilation of their own actions...

lost in a memory I see your face and smile...


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