uno y uno es igual a tres si 2 ya no se llevan bien siempre habrá un tercero para complacer.

It was funny that today i start to think about that song, after been in the train with my usual depressive face just in the other side was a girl who use to smile at me a lot but well i'm not for human interactions like now so i didn't paid attention.

For been in the long distance train is normal that people feel comfortable and fall asleep but for some reason today i as unable to close my eyes and relax in that train. So, meanwhile i use to “entertain” my self and thinking that when i get home i would be alone i start to look around. While i was looking around i paid attention to the girl who gifted me a kind smile when she got into the train in Alexander platz and while i saw her sleep i noticed that she was really cute. Indeed, due the fact that living things only shows their true beauty. After that i just start to watch the rails again passing by and suddenly the “ticket-verifier” came and that woke up the girl. Who start to look at me directly, fact that i was able to notice thank to the panoramic vision developed by many many maaaaaaaaaany years of sports. And also i saw that she had pretty nice eyes “considering that were blue” so that made her more interesting. How ever i just avoid the contact and wear my jacket due the proximity of my station. When i did that the girl factions change to a bit sad but i didn't think so much about that... anyways was another of those hundred people i see every day in the stations.

When i went out of the station i felt inexplicably sad for not finding an angel there. Although, i knew that it wouldn't happens considering that good things are not meant to happens to me. So i decided to walk slowly in order to delay my arrival to that lonely apartment borrowed to me. Looking down and hoping that the earth opens and eat me the train parted beside me just to see that the girl was now looking for the window and looking for me to “wink” while the train was parting. That unexpected action draw a smile for a second and unconsciously i response and stood there in station until the train lost in the distance like watching the departure of a significant person.

It makes me realize that is not the first time that something like this happens.... actually is something that happens dairy everywhere i go but the blindness of my hope in a dream didn't make me realize about that. Maybe because i look completely different to the regular people of this place.

This country is pretty interesting now that i think and maybe that's why is so common to see in the “doramas” curious things like when a relationship doesn't work immediately one of the parts met someone who “wipe” the sour taste of the deception an when everything start to go well in that side the original couple comes and makes the classic bizarre love triangle. So, in a regular situation that explain why unstable couples ends up breaking for stupid mistakes done during that time...

even something like me who blinds his eyes to the world felt some kind of interest in that situation. Maybe what people calls surviving instincts is stronger than the mind if this doubt for an instant. But well is nothing serious to deal with those stuffs anyways the nature i developed suppress completely the desire of acting first situation that makes everything easier...

i face people every day and this world makes many rounds so lets see what it brings for the future in the mean time is good just to look the human carnival passing by...

people suck my life and that makes me feel tired i should just let everything be...

bis später...


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