sunday thoughts

in a sunday that i can almost sleep propertly i woke up at 11 a.m. in this strange bed/appartment with the familiar feeling of every single day. Without forces to wake up decide to stay in bed the whole time. An odd curiosity makes me checkout my cellphone to find out several messages asking what are my plans for last night... I think that fortunatelly i didnt listen to them or maybe i would be ending in another station freezing without any reason. after that some wierd feeling makes me realize that my nose was bleeding a bit again. Is the 2nd time in a month and i think it have to be related with the eternal flu and the fact that is still not in the correct position, plus the eternal cold is exposed.
During all this time my brain, the only part of my body that is always active, decide to think about many random stuffs. All of them, related with the eternal analisys of the human behavior and between all the shit bounding in my head the most prominent thought was the fact I've been watching this days i've been "socialising". One thing i've been looking is that people some times says that the culture makes the people acts in different ways. but at the end no matter if is from europe, america or asia, what predominates is the human instinct over anything.
The guinea pigs are all the people i know and daily deal with in this cold country. The fact that are people that is just transcedental makes the things easier because they dont have anything to hide concidering that they will continue in another place in the future so just copying the classic slogan of las vegas "what is done in other countries stay in other countries".
More especifically i'm talking about the basic instinct of "hunting couples" now known as flirting. people in this days doesnt care about or dont think too much about subjets like moral unless is something that actually can harm you really bad. The typical state of flirting is not bad and thats why makes it really light for the head. the subjects of studies i've been looking at are of every kind and what i found out is the simple fact that they dont mind if they are with someone, are married, just end up a relationship or are simply bored. People just flirt if the oportunity presents without concidering what happens in their daily life situations.
Looks like flirting let them create an adventure they can usually have in the moment, with nothing to loose in the moment they just let themselve go in the flow of the conversation in order to see "what will happens next!". Sometimes, it transform in a situation that is difficult to librate or even harmfull for more than 3. as an example the case of one cute girl who was dancing with a guy on friday and decided to come to me even if i wasnt doing nothing just to "chat". Once she started to talk was pretty obvious that to simply flirt was her intention. maybe guided by the mix of the music and the alcohol or just by simple sport the girl didnt waste too much time to become "friendly". Ofcourse I never loose the oportunity to study a human subject everytime the oportunity comes and i decided to analyse her strategy. After some mins of talking the girl decided to pass my AT Field motive that made end up with the study regarding my lack of interest in real interaction with other beings. so in a pretty acrobatic and sutil way I took the advantaje that his "friend" was close and decided to include in the conversation in order to make her back. wasnt too difficult to make the guy say that he was her boyfriend, reason that makes the girl stand back and recover her "neutral posture". So once out of "danger" I dispposed to drop my ninja bomb and dissapear with pretty valuable information. that i decided to re evaluate in the next day, this time studying my guinea pigs.
Once the stage was setup. i decided to pay attention to the behaviour of this people just confirm that it doesn't matters if they have couples, are alone or just one to meet people to start to flirt with someone. and with some variations i was able to observe that the process is pretty standard in both parts ("the flirter" and "the flirted").. And is something like this:
1. initial approach.
in this stage "the flirter" makes the initial contact with "the flirted". If the flirted is not interested in the situation simply stay back and invent an excuse to move from the situation the most politely way posible. if is COMPLETLY not interested the flirted can be even a bit hostil in the reaction. But, if the flirted Is interested in the situation will reply in an "inocent" way in order to have some more time to evaluate the situation. In some situations, "the flirter" use pretty good and unusual ways to call the attention of "the flirted" in order to "break the ice" and make the ground "softer". But in most of the cases the process is also pretty standard. Using a look, ingenious jokes, pretty cheap and bad excuses, or even "showing some interest in the other part activies", "the flirter" is able to evaluate if the first person is interested in his instentions. Once, this stage is completed and no signs of rejection are shown , the process jump to the 2nd stage.
2. The recognition phase
This is the phase were "the flirter" start to evaluate his posibilities of score while it move cautious arround "the target". the standard questionary implies questions like "whats your name? do you come often here? where are you come from? what do you do for living? what have you done all this time (if they know each other previously). all with the pro of making a profile and a mental image of what they actually have in front. Once done that they jump to the stage 3.
3. AT Field syncronization
This stage is to look out a "likeness" between both subjects in order to syncronize the absolute terro field with the target in order to stablish an more realistic connection. Been outside of the AT Field yet, the subject start to lookout for the "weakness" of the subject in order to follow a line usually disguised as "something in common" in order to find a way to manipulate the field and gain some control of the situation. IN the other side there are some other subjects that use a more interesting and pretty clever straegy. this clever flirter use a peculiar way of thinking in order atract the interest of "the flirted" how? just like a peacot shows their feathers in order to atract couples. this guys expose their intelect and peculiar point of view in order to atract the attention of the couples. what is pretty funny of this subjects, is the fact that once the AT Field is broken they become the cheekiest of the flirters rushing the situation thing that in most of the situations ends up in a bad way for them, but in a light head world that give them good results from time to time. My hypotesis about this indicates that this behaviour is basically based in the fact that this "intelectual flirters" doesnt have as much sex as the ones that are used to the standard procedures. Esencially both methods are pretty interesting in case of study because basically the humans become pretty clever in order to disguide their intentions of score with the flirted.
4. the inner study
This stage is pretty short and pretty clear. the flirter already got the flirted trust and start to make an study of the capabilities of action. this usually are, one night stand, short term relationship, long term pasive relationship (fuck friends) and in weird cases just relationship. For this the person start to study now the not tolerable side of this person to see if their level of tolerance is strong enough to handle the situation until they can "score". this is a stage that can variate a lot in time. all this depends a lot of the situation and the patience of the flirter. for example and disco flirter try to play all the card once again due the short time situation. and "interactive Flirter" is able to take a more calculated process concidering that have time enough to interact with "the flirted" because they share and ocupation in common (school, work, etc). and the online flirters that usually are more direct than the "disco flirters" due they dont have anything to loose concidering that at first stance the target is just letters in a screen.

After all this it just come the scoring part. that also implies some parts but basically depends of how good was for the flirted the scoring process. Here the game is based in if the flirted let the flirter takes the control or not. but thats another story I dont want to think of now. maybe because is almost time to eat again to keep the stomach working actively for the next days 2 days until the pain dissapear.

Just to conclude, Is pretty funny to see that no matter in the world i am the humans interact similar. Also, we dont have to think bad about this people, the flirted and the flirter, due they actually are just the instinct of reproduction all the living things have. So this mean that the purity of the flirter and the flirted is there in the first 4 stages because doesnt implies ulterios motives. once that feelings are implies and start to think about the future things is when the purity dissapear. this last comments usually applies only if there are more than 2 factors in this e cuation.

Thinking a bit about all this i think that if the people that invites me to go out read this might kill me XD
well write this distracted me some hours of this lonely reality i decided to be... what sucks more now is the ununderstandable feeling of expecting an unknown surprise that never came. Indeed, extraordinary stuff never happens to people who always stay in a room no? anyways thats my latest way of the ninja :-P

ja ne!


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