Good bye jesse james 2

yesterday I was able to read the statement regarding what caused Hendrik's death. And as I though and plastered in my first post. I felt pretty accurate in my observation. People who acts like him usually end up involving with dangerous people who can create this sort of situations. Unfortunately for him, this time wasn't either an exception and he end up paying the consequences. But what is done is done and nothing can be change in his side.

In the other hand, there are this individuals who provoked his death with the intention of “lecture him some behavior”. How people who doesn't control herself can say stuffs like that? Everything is remotes to the ancient times of life were the “stronger” rule over the weak. But looking up at the human history is also stronger doesn't mean equal of statements in this situations. As “good coward humans” 3 guys were involved in the situation against hendrik. And with the most primitive “way of the human” the end up beating an individual who is not prepared to deal with this kind of situations.

Hundred times I saw that behavior in my life and no matter which country or continent I visit, the actions are just the same. The other ironic case is that this individuals are even more coward than the affected and when cases of divine justice comes to get the payment of their actions they just chicken out and cry like little babies begging for forgiveness, running away and crying like babies. This is one of the most pathetic expressions of human nature, and no matter where we go it will always be present.

I can't stop thinking in all the people i saw dying like that in the past just before my eyes, people I had affection for, people who were important for me. Unfortunately, I cant take revenge of them even knowing that I have the power for that and I'm in the position for it. Take revenge is just stupid and never teach anything to them and at the end that might create an unexpected endless chain of misfortunes in the lives of everyone. There are worst things in life that death and one day they will know it as everyone does.

The only advice I have for people like them is that “only whose who are prepared to be shot are the ones who should get a gun”. Once you taint your hands with blood of other people that will follow you for the rest of your life in a new world were only those who are strong enough can survive... but is that life? You will have to look for that answer from now on...

Jesse, rest in peace dude this world is crueler than what they even think and eventually they will pay.


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