Those among us

some days ago nali told me that she talked to a ghost and that makes me concern a bit of her situation because i never wanted to bother with the fact that for some reason we are surrounded of them, at least is what I've been looking for since I got here. But what makes me write today about it is the fact that also “L” told me in a mail that she was seen ghost without any relation of what nali told me before. And thinking a bit about it, in this month is the 4th person who told me that so maybe something is changing in this world and the strings are getting closer.
So backing up to my story, since the first day I came here I've been feeling chasing by them. Remember the first time I was sleeping in this bed with my always beloved by my side I felt a strong presence who talked to me in the night. I told you might be a dream or what, of course I always have problems distinguishing between real or dreams, and he answered want me to prove it and he took me by the shoulder and shake me like no other ghost have been doing it before. A bit stunned I told him ok and that he should leave and the story ends there.
Some time ago when i was able to get a bit in contact with myself I've been able to sense presences close me but just in sporadic situations where I've was able to concentrate in silence my thoughts. Finally some days before nali told me about that I've been feeling a strong presence close to me follow me everywhere like an stalker but with mere cases. For a while I felt a bit uneasy but after tell it some stuffs everything become more passive. Some days ago the presence of kids have been around. Und thanks to the already brain watch given by the media it felt pretty off and uncomfortable but this was pretty polite and left on.
Then, it makes me think something that even one ghost told me. If you weren't prepared to see other planes and see good is because your soul and your body are a bit not synchronized and that is due some kind of confusion. That use to applies to me very much until I understood how that worked and that the fact I was able to see it is because of the link i have with the great grandfather who was a wizard. Also I can understand the fact that L can see them sometimes due her soul is so confused and her mother disrupt so bad in many ways due her studies of reiki and ki-gon. But why it affects now people who are not use to that now like nali, lily and others who have been unable until now? Maybe there is something big comming soon and that might be afecting other peoples as well around the world. I just hope this wont affect people that is more sensitive like the little V because it might harm her a lot. Was pretty difficult to me to handle that even by having support and I hope she won't pass trough that. At least she still keeps innocent and that might helps a bit.
As ara told me, we wonder only if they are here to protect us, if not they should go to rest.


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