Back to the Basics
last night I got back to Panama and here i just found out that things barely change with time. However, is ok for me due is good to see what i've lost and which mistakes i commit to made me be a part that was a bit blurry to see.
With a new perspective, I'm leaving now all those grunge and heavy weight I had for this months to see from a wider point of view what to do with my life. Back in my room. I can see how organized actually my life have become after all. Pretty structured and solid since a couple of weeks, makes me feel more optimistic. So is time to end up writing stuff about a feeling that I was unable to understand and move on. What is done is done, and I just can learn of it, I need new blood to go back to Germany the next week with a more wide and wise point of view.
I want to apologize the people I dragged to me with my pain in this blog and let them free of toughs to center in what is important, evolve.
Of course the change is not instant reason i should talk it easy and also there is a part that always wanted to talk that i will place it in another part. But as the name of this bog is, is time to move “after the dream”.
I have a 1 week schedule so is time to work on.