The nostalgia of another one who leave us.

The day i'm writing this, the love of my life gave me the news of the decease of a friend of her brother. A person I didn't meet for so long but surely was easy to see that behind all his lively expression, a great loneliness was behind him.

Not knowing the object of the death, would be an insult to make speculations or comments about it. But the fact is, that one more who left the world alone is just another story that will be placed apart in the great book of life.

For some seconds I was able to imagine the face of that person I care so much and the image was a bit disrupting. This kind of situations makes everyone to feel like for some seconds they went out of the reality and that maybe they will wake up and like nothing happens.

When someone we lost contact for a while dies the first feeling is never sadness, but a great confusion and I can't deny that is something that I wish natalie wouldn't be feeling right now.

In the other hand, the news made me remember all the time I left that experience. Moreover, the times i had to see that with my own eyes. All those situations make us see how fragile is the human nature and the human life. One day we are there, and the next we are gone, and the world continue spinning until a meteor come and hit it, and at the end the universe will continue expanding.

Is pretty sad to think in the fact that people that tries to get close to us disappear in a way we can turn back. But, is sadder to think in the fact that sometimes we have with the people and we never value the present. Specially me, who is unable to value most of the people even knowing the situations. Indeed I think that after all my experiences in the old continent, the fact that I mentalized that even angels are temporal in my life, made me someone who value less the contact with people. But my logic and some small part of my heart are always screaming to live on the present and for that reason I should value what is in front of my eyes. Is meaningless to talk about possibilities when the death separate us.

But well, this is a world where people always waste their time in inner toughs, existential problems or living like an ant of the society. At the end everyone have a minor wish of doing something more for or with that person is no longer there.“there is nothing that we can make for death people” and missing them won't let them rest in peace. Let then live in the past with the good times spent together and live that thing of. We have to be grateful of the fact of been able to spend some time with them and learn a bit of their existence and smile.

Jesse James, at the end you found a place to rest. Good luck in your new journey.



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