keep rolling in the world
Sometimes we have to leave what we know in order to value what we have someone says. Indeed just try to follow what our hearts indicates brings most of the time good things even when in the moment we are unable to understand them. This days, I decided to travel around Europe, with first destiny Italy. After a week in the country of the pasta and the pizza, I saw how easy my perspective of the world can be changed. Yesterday, remembering the discussion with my late German teacher I can corroborate that home is not a place that is static to me as normal people consider for them. Heimat, home, hogar, terms that are subjective as the people who ask for them. But with not strong answers to a person like me. I felt that I found my place in Berlin, a city that have everything and easier to manipulate as people thing once you become legal. However, I saw in a small island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea that my “auto inculcated idea” was as unstable as drunk person playing over ice. ...